Personal Project: Book experimentations

Throughout this project, I have experimented with book formats that were different to simple fold over pages.

I also kept in mind some artist research:

Top left and right: In/Out by Holly St Clair and Concept book by Lacoste

I like the look of the stepped pages and the neatness of the individual letters fitting into boxes. If I were the make the ‘cool box’ booklet again, I would make it blue with white rounded letters, to reflect the look of a cool box.

The idea of putting a smaller book inside a bigger book is simple in itself but can really elevate part of a story.

I made these when thinking about the overall look of my final piece. I wanted to make a ‘two books in one’ as I have both the way there and the way back. I decided on the style on the right as it still signifies that there are two stories, but there isn’t a cut out that might become awkward for making the page spreads, like the book on the left.


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